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Update to Arranmore Weather to keep up with Arranmore's Weather

Update to Arranmore Weather to keep up with Arranmore's Weather

It's said that you can get 4 seasons in a day in Arranmore so here's an update to keep up with the weather.

It's said that you can get 4 seasons in a day in Arranmore so here's an update to keep up with the weather.

Update on this Update

This feature proved very popular so we integrated the hourly features into the main forecast page. Now you simply swipe to the forecast and can swipe between Hourly and Daily Forecasts.

The updated forecast page

The following is the initial post about this feature for your reading pleasure.

Hourly Updates

The big update comes in the form of hourly updates - the app now has hourly updates using OpenWeather's API. It should help keep up with the changing weather in Arranmore.

The update breaks down the forecast into hours and shows the general weather icon, the temperature and the chance of rain. The temperature has two measurements, the actual temperature and the temperature after the wind chill.

From the homepage you can click the button and scroll through the next 48 hours of forecasts. These are updated every 15 minutes, like all the data in the app.

The background of the colours now also update more closely with the sunsets and rises in Arranmore.

Updated screenshots from the App

Dark Mode

We've made a small change to the dark mode too - the grey backgrounds were too stark a change when navigating around the app. We've replaced the greys with dark blues to match the overall theme of the app.

The blues are only available for the dark mode of the app, you can change to dark mode from the settings page.

Out with the old. In with the blue.

Wind Direction

One last update - but an important one! The wind direction compass has been updated to show the true direction the wind is blowing.

In previous versions the compass was just showing the direction as stated by the degrees from the Arranmore Weather data.


Thanks to everyone has downloaded the app so far and suggested improvements and to the 3 team for making their data available. Let me know if there's anything you'd like to see in future versions.

Download Now

The app is available for download now on Google Play and Apple's App Store.

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