hexa studios

Tory Ferry gets Notifications

Tory Ferry gets Notifications

25th Jun 2020

A huge update for the Tory Ferry app - the team are now able to send notifications to your phone for updates about changes to the service and news from the ferry team!

A huge update for the Tory Ferry app - the team are now able to send notifications to your phone for updates about changes to the service and news from the ferry team!

Setting Up Notifications

By default the apps don't have the ability to get notifications - you will have to set up which ones you'd like to receive, or if you prefer, choose not to.

In the latest update you'll see an orange button inviting you to set up the notifications. Simply swipe through the instructions and switch on which updates you'd like receive.

Setting Up Tory Ferry Notifications in 3 swipes

Notification Types

There are two types of notifications:

The ferry team will be using these notifications sparingly so as not to annoy customers with too many notifications. On top of that - each notification has been configured for a maximum lifespan of one day. So you won't receive old notifications if you turn your phone off for the weekend.

Changed your mind?

If the notifications aren't proving useful - you can always change the settings on the "MyFerry" page. There's also a link included to jump into the notification set up page again.

Notifications on Android, iOS and where to turn them off.


As with any data platform now - privacy is of the utmost importance. Hexa Studios is using and industry standard library, Firebase, and it's cloud messaging platform to send these notifications.

No personal data is stored about you and by default each device does not have notifications on by default - users 'opt-in' to the above notification types.

Up Next

This is the biggest update to the Tory Ferry app - let the Tory Ferry team know what you think of the latest updates via Facebook.

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